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Shougang Jingtang-benchmarking for ultra-low emission in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei steel industry

January 11,2024.

Located in Caofeidian, core of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategic area, Following the concept of ecological environmental protection and circular economy, Shougang Jingtang has been designed and constructed as a world-class ten million tons of steel plant. In 2018, Shougang Jingtang 2x500m2 sintering machines and 2x 400mt/a pelleting machine selected the Lonjing D-MEC integrated SCR process, all the units have achieved "ultra-low" emission, with SO2<35mg/Nm3, dust <5mg/Nm3, NOx<50mg/Nm3, becoming the benchmarking for ultra-low emission in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei steel industry.

The D-MEC system is integrated updated CFB reactor and fabric filiter to remove SO2,SO3,heavy mental, doxions, dust at the same time, it is a kind of one-stop solution and has more than 600 references which tops the list in the world.

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