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January 16,2024.

On November 11, 2023, the full commissioning ceremony of Qingdao Bangtuo New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qingdao Bangtuo") was successfully held in Dongjiakou Port Area, Qingdao City. Leaders of Qingdao Port, Vale, BHP Billiton, China Iron and Steel Industry Association, Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, China Metallurgical News, Yongfeng Group, Shaanxi Iron and Steel Group, Jinnan Iron and Steel, Shougang International, MCC Changtian, Lonjing and other relevant units , experts, a total of more than 200 people attended the celebration ceremony.

Qingdao Bangtuo's annual processing capacity of 4 million tons of belt-type roasting and oxidation pellet production line flue gas desulfurization and denitrification ultra-low emission project adopts Lonjing D-MEC+ technology. Under the ultra-high sulfur working condition where the initial sulfur dioxide concentration of the flue gas is nearly 7000mg/Nm3 (oxygen content conversion), Lonjing technology helps to achieve the result of export sulfur dioxide emission is less than 20mg. /Nm3, nitrogen oxide emissions are less than 35mg/Nm3, dust emissions are less than 5mg/Nm3, ultra-low emissions, and the device operates stably, the chimney exhaust is transparent, no anti-corrosion is required, the visual sensory effect is good, and no waste water is produced.  

This project has been officially put into operation in September 2023, and Lonjing will be responsible for the ongoing operation and maintance. 

About filter bag cage